Sunday, June 28, 2020


I heard you want to know the truth. I don’t know how my life concerns you, but I must be pretty important to be here  with you. Let me start from my roots because I know you are a sucker for depressing  stories. I did not come from money, and my family  survived on the little payments mother got doing  small jobs for the neighbors. Are you wondering where my father Was? Let ‘s just say we saw him every night at around 9pm, drunk , hungry and angrily asking for food. My mother must have been a very patient woman.  I can’t clarify that since she is dead, and for a reason I feel she is the lucky one. She found peace: something I have never known. 
Oh, sorry I did not introduce myself. My name is Shiku , but my people call me Shiks. I am 26 years old, 5.8 feet tall with brown skin and very long dreadlocks. I am pretty skinny thanks to my long struggle with stomach ulcers and a messed up relationship with food. I don’t want to go in to that but it’s something to do with not wanting a big belly and being called fat. Not that I really care about what people think. I can see you are getting bored.  I am sure these are facts you already know , and you are eagerly waiting for me to explain why I have  dead bodies in my backyard.
Let me just start by saying they all had it coming. One of them was my husband, a good man  he was that one but a  notorious womanizer. He was messing with my friend for two years and when I found out I tried to save my marriage but it seemed he was done. I changed my hairstyle, I dressed up often and tried to be flexible around the bedroom but the burger would not leave her alone. One night when he came from a night of drinking with his mates and my traitor of a friend I stuck a knife in him: several knives actually. I buried him that same day and  I didn’t even shed a tear :He did not deserve it.
Now, it should be obvious who the second body belonged to. The husband snatcher came to visit me, and she asked if my husband would be joining us. I smiled and said he had gone out. I had not really thought of killing her : I kind of really enjoyed her company but she had hurt my pride. I made her a cup of coffee ,just as she liked. A teaspoon of sugar, some milk and just a hint of cyanide. It was quite easy I think ,and a good way to silently get rid of vermin like her.
So, are you going to send me to prison? You would be doing me a favor. A change of scenery is what I need to spice up my boring life. Okay then, where is that nice police lady? I need to see how my cell looks like, don’t you?