Friday, June 5, 2020


Anna sits in her therapist’s office. It is on Ronald Ngara street, the building is old with small dingy shops and offices. Her therapist owns the smallest cubicle  at the farthest corner on the third floor. The walls are blue, there is a small desk with a picture of her daughter. The shrink’s names is Dorcas, just like the nice woman from the bible. She is chocolate brown with a plump figure and  a permanent jolly look on her face. She makes her feel safe, like she was looking at her deceased mother. She however doesn’t believe someone can be this happy. She must be hiding something but she is not here to know about Dorcas, she is here to get help. People have been saying that she is angry; always angry. Could be because someone murdered her sister but she already killed him so that could not be it. All these thoughts happen as she waits for Dorcas to get settled in her seat. She was by the door saying goodbye to a patient.  
Dorcas sits and pulls out a file from one of her drawers. She smiles, the gap between her teeth is something Anna has never been used to.
“How was your week Anna?” Dorcas asks and fidgets a bit in her chair.
“Good,” Anna says and looks to the side. 
“ Have you been using the techniques I showed you?” says Dorcas knowing she would not be getting the truth.
“ Of course, I am a good student, now, tell me when our sessions will be over.”
Dorcas smiles and continues talking to Anna. She knows she is a good girl, she just needs help.

HUNGER<title/> Anna sits in her therapist’s office. It is on Ronald Ngara street, the building is old with small dingy shops and offices. Her therapist owns the smallest cubicle at the farthest corner on the third floor. The walls are blue, there is a small desk with a picture of her daughter. The shrink’s names is Dorcas, just like the nice woman from the bible. She is chocolate brown with a plump figure and a permanent jolly look on her face. She makes her feel safe, like she was looking at her deceased mother. She however doesn’t believe someone can be this happy. She must be hiding something but she is not here to know about Dorcas, she is here to get help. People have been saying that she is angry; always angry. Could be because someone murdered her sister but she already killed him so that could not be it. All these thoughts happen as she waits for Dorcas to get settled in her seat. She was by the door saying goodbye to a patient. Dorcas sits and pulls out a file from one of her drawers. She smiles, the gap between her teeth is something Anna has never been used to. “How was your week Anna?” Dorcas asks and fidgets a bit in her chair. “Good,” Anna says and looks to the side. “ Have you been using the techniques I showed you?” says Dorcas knowing she would not be getting the truth. “ Of course, I am a good student, now, tell me when our sessions will be over.” Dorcas smiles and continues talking to Anna. She knows she is a good girl, she just needs help. <p/>

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