Sunday, January 2, 2022

Do you remember?

I know cool kid cannot relate but did you ever put Githeri in your school dress pockets so you can eat the maize and beans one by one when the teacher taught in class? Do you remember carrying dried maize in an empty Arimis container to use in counting but ended up eating it all with no complaints of stomach ache? Do you remember splashing water puddles with no shoes and sliding on dirt roads after rainy days? Those days when your legs got so ashy square boxes would appear on your "Mitari" and you were not even bothered? Recall crying if somebody said you had a boyfriend and now you are on every dating site campaigning for yourself because earth is hard. I want you to remember the kid who said they want to be a surgeon one day because they were busting with joy and optimism. Praying to God that this year, your inner child is reborn so you can experience life to the fullest. Happy new year.

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